fun and colorful


Within Icon Gilliam pulls back the curtain on his myriad of inspirations. He draws from his childhood memories of hip hop being colorful fun, about taking risks, about community, and creativity.

About the Designer

we ourselves are iconic

Robert Gilliam is mostly known for his award winning choreography but he is always working across disciplines and collaborating with fashion designers, street dancers to classical ballet dancers, musicians, rappers, contemporary artist, low bike and graffiti artist. In the realm of fashion he has found a new way of communicating, asking questions and experimenting with wearable art. In his latest project the idea of “we ourselves are iconic.”

Gilliam has said, “I am inspired daily buy my students, the younger they are the better because they haven’t had the time to have those gifted creative juices taught out of them” 

Within Icon Gilliam pulls back the curtain on his myriad of inspirations. He draws from his childhood memories of hip hop being colorful fun, about taking risks, about community, and creativity. Seeing the works of great painters like Dali and Basquiat to his travels abroad, diversity and equality has always been  a driving force in the work. With his clothes and the FF platform Gilliam is asking the question who has the right to say what is beautiful and acceptable in the creative market.

Meet the Designer

Robert Gilliam

who has the right to say what is beautiful and acceptable in the creative market.

Beautiful and Fun

our latest works